
The image utilites are wrapper classes for containing images using the aspect-ratio attribute, the classes can be applied to a individual container like a <figure> element for a single image, or to a grid container for multiple images. Disabled by default, enable with $enable-images: true; in the configuration.scss document.

Single image wrappers (anchor)

The examples below apply the utility classes to the <figure> element, the captions demonstrates the utility names.

Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees
Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees
Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees
Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees
Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees
Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees
Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees
Example HTML
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees" width="300">

<figure class="landscape">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees" width="300">

<figure class="landscape-sm">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees" width="300">

<figure class="landscape-xs">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees" width="300">

<figure class="passport">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees">

<figure class="portrait">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees">

<figure class="portrait-sm">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees">

If the grid utilities are enabled the utility classes can be applied to a wrapper element to apply the aspect-ratio modifier to all images within the grid making it useful designing gallery orientated content.

Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees
Example HTML
<div class="passport g-4 g-2-sm gap-3 mb-3">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-480.webp" alt="Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-480.webp" alt="Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-480.webp" alt="Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-480.webp" alt="Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees">

Inline styling (anchor)

The aspect-ratio for the utilities are provided by a CSS variable that can be used to customize the ratio inline, it can be used to adjust any of utility classes above to individual images and/or on the grid wrapper to be applied to all images.

Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees
--aspect-ratio: 5 / 1;
Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees
--aspect-ratio: 5 / 2;
Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees
--aspect-ratio: 5 / 3;
Example HTML
<figure class="auto" style="--aspect-ratio: 5 / 1;">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees" width="300">
<figcaption><code>--aspect-ratio: 5 / 1;</code></figcaption>

<figure class="auto" style="--aspect-ratio: 5 / 2;">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees" width="300">
<figcaption><code>--aspect-ratio: 5 / 2;</code></figcaption>

<figure class="auto" style="--aspect-ratio: 5 / 3;">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snowy forest with sun filtering through trees" width="300">
<figcaption><code>--aspect-ratio: 5 / 3;</code></figcaption>

Customize (anchor)

The image utilities are compiled from the _image.scss document within the [styles/utilities] directory. The Sass @if rule controls compiling depending on settings in the configuration.scss document.

@if $enable-images {

.auto, .passport, .landscape, .landscape-sm, .landscape-xs, .portrait, .portrait-sm {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: var(--gtc);
  max-inline-size: var(--width);

:where(.auto, .passport, .landscape, .landscape-sm, .landscape-xs, .portrait, .portrait-sm) img {
  object-fit: cover;
  aspect-ratio: var(--aspect-ratio);
  height: 100%;

.auto {
  --aspect-ratio: auto;

.passport {
  --aspect-ratio: 1 / 1;

.landscape {
  --aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;

.landscape-sm {
  --aspect-ratio: 3 / 1;

.landscape-xs {
  --aspect-ratio: 4 / 1;

.portrait {
  --aspect-ratio: 3 / 4;

.portrait-sm {
  --aspect-ratio: 4 / 6;

} // END [if/images]