Basic modifiers for text size and weight use the names demonstrated below with each example. Disabled by default, enable with $enable-text: true;
in the configuration.scss
Heading sizes (anchor)
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Font sizes (anchor)
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Font weights (anchor)
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Lists (anchor)
See the list utilities page.
Customize (anchor)
The text utilities are compiled from the _text.scss
document within the [styles/utilities]
directory. The Sass @if
rule controls compiling depending on settings in the configuration.scss
@if $enable-text {
// Font sizes
.fs-body, .fs-xl, .fs-lg, .fs-sm, .fs-xs, .fs-xxs, .h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6 {
font-size: var(--fs);
line-height: var(--lh);
.fs-body {
--fs: var(--body);
.fs-xl {
--fs: var(--fs-xl);
.fs-lg {
--fs: var(--fs-lg);
.fs-sm {
--fs: var(--fs-sm);
.fs-xs {
--fs: var(--fs-xs);
.fs-xxs {
--fs: var(--fs-xxs);
:where(.h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6) {
--lh: var(--lh-header);
--tw: pretty;
text-wrap: var(--tw);
.h1 {
--fs: var(--h1);
.h2 {
--fs: var(--h2);
.h3 {
--fs: var(--h3);
.h4 {
--fs: var(--h4);
.h5 {
--fs: var(--h5);
.h6 {
--fs: var(--h6);
// Font weights
.fw-normal, .fw-bold, .fw-100, .fw-200, .fw-300, .fw-400, .fw-500, .fw-600, .fw-700, .fw-800, .fw-900 {
font-weight: var(--fw);
.fw-normal {
--fw: normal;
.fw-bold {
--fw: bold;
.fw-100 {
--fw: 100;
.fw-200 {
--fw: 200;
.fw-300 {
--fw: 300;
.fw-400 {
--fw: 400;
.fw-500 {
--fw: 500;
.fw-600 {
--fw: 600;
.fw-700 {
--fw: 700;
.fw-800 {
--fw: 800;
.fw-900 {
--fw: 900;
// Line heights
.lh-body, .lh-header, .lh-forms {
line-height: var(--lh);
.lh-body {
--lh: var(--lh-body);
.lh-header {
--lh: var(--lh-header);
.lh-btn-forms {
--lh: var(--lh-btn-forms);
// Wrap and alignment
.txt-pretty {
text-wrap: pretty;
.txt-balance {
text-wrap: balance;
.txt-center {
text-align: center;
.txt-right {
text-align: right;
.txt-left {
text-align: left;
// Letter/word spacing - no preset values provided, use variable to customize inline.
.txt-spacing {
letter-spacing: var(--ls);
word-spacing: var(--ws);
// Links
.no-link a, a.no-link {
text-decoration: none;
.text-link a, a.text-link {
--color: var(--text);
--visited: var(--text);
.link-dark a, a.link-dark {
--color: var(--link-dark);
--hover: color-mix(in srgb, var(--link-dark) 75%, white);
--visited: var(--link-dark);
text-decoration-color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--link-dark) 75%, white);
.link-light a, a.link-light {
--color: var(--link-light);
--hover: color-mix(in srgb, var(--link-light) 75%, white);
--visited: var(--link-light);
text-decoration-color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--link-light) 75%, white);
// Mono text
.text-white {
@if $enable-icon-mixins or $enable-icon-styles {
--ico: #fff;
color: #fff;
.text-black {
@if $enable-icon-mixins or $enable-icon-styles {
--ico: #000;
color: #000;
} // END [if/text]