A basic set of background utility classes for applying background colors to elements using the default color-schemes and optional theme and primary colors palettes if also enabled. Disabled by default, enable with $enable-backgrounds: true;
in the _configuration.scss
Default color-schemes (anchor)
The basic background utilities use the color-scheme surfaces colors.
Example HTML
<div class="surf-1 p-2">.surf-1</div>
<div class="surf-2 p-2">.surf-2</div>
<div class="surf-3 p-2">.surf-3</div>
<div class="surf-4 p-2">.surf-4</div>
The light, dark and primary colors utilities also include color property values for text to pass contrast-ratio testing, and if the icon utilities are enabled a variable is also added so the icons inherit the text values to display correctly.
With $enable-theme-colors: true;
Example HTML
<div class="surf-1-light p-2">.surf-1-light</div>
<div class="surf-2-light p-2">.surf-2-light</div>
<div class="surf-3-light p-2">.surf-3-light</div>
<div class="surf-4-light p-2 mb-3">.surf-4-light</div>
<div class="surf-1-dark p-2">.surf-1-dark</div>
<div class="surf-2-dark p-2">.surf-2-dark</div>
<div class="surf-3-dark p-2">.surf-3-dark</div>
<div class="surf-4-dark p-2">.surf-4-dark</div>
With $enable-primary-colors: true;
Example HTML
<div class="bg-blue p-2">.bg-blue</div>
<div class="bg-red p-2">.bg-red</div>
<div class="bg-green p-2">.bg-green</div>
<div class="bg-orange p-2">.bg-orange</div>
<div class="bg-cyan p-2">.bg-cyan</div>
Customize (anchor)
The background styles can be customized in the _backgrounds.scss
document in the [styles/utilities]
directory, they're written as standard CSS with limited Sass functionality included for compiling purposes.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Backgrounds
// ------------------------------------------------------------
@use "../../configuration" as *;
@use "../../properties" as *;
@mixin background-props {
@if $enable-icon-mixins or $enable-icon-styles {
--ico: var(--bg-txt);
color: var(--bg-txt);
background-color: var(--bg);
@if $enable-backgrounds {
@if $enable-theme-colors and $enable-primary-colors {
:where(.surf-1-light, .surf-2-light, .surf-3-light, .surf-4-light, .surf-1-dark, .surf-2-dark, .surf-3-dark, .surf-4-dark, .bg-blue, .bg-red, .bg-green, .bg-orange, .bg-cyan) {
@include background-props;
@else {
@if $enable-primary-colors {
:where(.bg-blue, .bg-red, .bg-green, .bg-orange, .bg-cyan) {
@include background-props;
@if $enable-theme-colors {
:where(.surf-1-light, .surf-2-light, .surf-3-light, .surf-4-light, .surf-1-dark, .surf-2-dark, .surf-3-dark, .surf-4-dark) {
@include background-props;
.bg-body {
background-color: var(--body-bg);
.surf-1 {
background-color: var(--surf-1);
.surf-2 {
background-color: var(--surf-2);
.surf-3 {
background-color: var(--surf-3);
.surf-4 {
background-color: var(--surf-4);
.surf-mono {
--color: light-dark(#000, #fff);
--ico: var(--color);
color: var(--color);
background-color: light-dark(#fff, #000);
.surf-white {
--color: #000;
--ico: var(--color);
color: var(--color);
background-color: #fff;
.surf-black {
--color: #fff;
--ico: var(--color);
color: var(--color);
background-color: #000;
.bg-body-light {
--color: #000;
--ico: var(--color);
color: var(--color);
background-color: #{$body-bg-light};
.bg-body-dark {
--color: #fff;
--ico: var(--color);
color: var(--color);
background-color: #{$body-bg-dark};
@if $enable-theme-colors {
.surf-1-light {
--bg: var(--surf-1-light);
--bg-txt: #000;
--bd-color: var(--surf-1-light);
.surf-2-light {
--bg: var(--surf-2-light);
--bg-txt: #000;
--bd-color: var(--surf-2-light);
.surf-3-light {
--bg: var(--surf-3-light);
--bg-txt: #000;
--bd-color: var(--surf-3-light);
.surf-4-light {
--bg: var(--surf-4-light);
--bg-txt: #000;
--bd-color: var(--surf-4-light);
.surf-1-dark {
--bg: var(--surf-1-dark);
--bg-txt: #fff;
--bd-color: var(--surf-1-dark);
.surf-2-dark {
--bg: var(--surf-2-dark);
--bg-txt: #fff;
--bd-color: var(--surf-2-dark);
.surf-3-dark {
--bg: var(--surf-3-dark);
--bg-txt: #fff;
--bd-color: var(--surf-3-dark);
.surf-4-dark {
--bg: var(--surf-4-dark);
--bg-txt: #fff;
--bd-color: var(--surf-4-dark);
} // END [if/theme-colors]
@if $enable-primary-colors {
.bg-blue {
--bg: var(--blue);
--bg-txt: #fff;
--bd-color: var(--blue);
.bg-green {
--bg: var(--green);
--bg-txt: #fff;
--bd-color: var(--green);
.bg-red {
--bg: var(--red);
--bg-txt: #fff;
--bd-color: var(--red);
.bg-orange {
--bg: var(--orange);
--bg-txt: #000;
--bd-color: var(--orange);
.bg-cyan {
--bg: var(--cyan);
--bg-txt: #000;
--bd-color: var(--cyan);
} // END [if/primary-colors]
} // END [if/backgrounds]