Customizable HTML popovers are styled to provide design continuity with other Themalize styles and utilities. Disabled by default, enable with $enable-popovers: true;
in the _configuration.scss
Default popover (anchor)
Close buttons can be included with popovers if required.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Example HTML
The [aria-controls]
is included to associate the button with the popover for accessibility and doesn't affect the functionality of the popover.
<button popovertarget="pop" aria-controls="pop">Default</button>
<div id="pop" popover>
<p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p>
<button popovertarget="pop-close" aria-controls="pop-close">With close button</button>
<div id="pop-close" popover>
<p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p>
<button popovertarget="pop-close" popovertargetaction="hide">Close</button>
Colors (anchor)
The color modifier classes only apply color to the popover but if required the button color modifiers (if enabled) can be used to colorize the buttons.
With $enable-theme-colors: true;
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Example HTML
<button popovertarget="pop-light" aria-controls="pop-light">Light</button>
<div id="pop-light" class="pop-light" popover>
<p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p>
<button popovertarget="pop-dark" aria-controls="pop-dark">Dark</button>
<div id="pop-dark" class="pop-dark" popover>
<p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p>
With $enable-primary-colors: true;
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Example HTML
<button popovertarget="pop-blue" aria-controls="pop-blue">Blue</button>
<div id="pop-blue" class="pop-blue" popover>
<p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p>
<button popovertarget="pop-red" aria-controls="pop-red">Red</button>
<div id="pop-red" class="pop-red" popover>
<p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p>
<button popovertarget="pop-green" aria-controls="pop-green">Green</button>
<div id="pop-green" class="pop-green" popover>
<p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p>
<button popovertarget="pop-orange" aria-controls="pop-orange">Orange</button>
<div id="pop-orange" class="pop-orange" popover>
<p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p>
<button popovertarget="pop-cyan" aria-controls="pop-cyan">Cyan</button>
<div id="pop-cyan" class="pop-cyan" popover>
<p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p>
Customize (anchor)
The default popover property values can be customized in the _properties.scss
document. The styles can be customized in the _popovers.scss
document in the [styles/components]
directory, they're written as standard CSS with limited Sass functionality included for compiling purposes.
$pop-txt: var(--text) !default;
$pop-bg: var(--body-bg) !default;
$pop-bd-color: var(--surf-3) !default;
$pop-bd-width: 1px !default;
$pop-radius: 0.188rem !default;
$pop-my: 1rem !default;
$pop-mx: auto !default;
$pop-py: 0.75rem !default;
$pop-px: 1rem !default;
$pop-width: calc((100% - 6px) - 2em) !default;
$pop-max-width: fit-content !default;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Popovers
// ----------------------------------------------------------
@use "../../configuration" as *;
@if $enable-popovers {
:where([popover]) {
@if $enable-icon-mixins or $enable-icon-styles {
--ico: var(--pop-txt);
color: var(--pop-txt);
block-size: fit-content;
inline-size: var(--pop-width);
max-inline-size: var(--pop-max-width);
margin-block: var(--pop-my);
margin-inline: var(--pop-mx);
padding-block: var(--pop-py);
padding-inline: var(--pop-px);
border-width: var(--pop-bd-width);
border-color: var(--pop-bd-color);
border-radius: var(--pop-radius);
background-color: var(--pop-bg);
overflow: auto;
:where([popover] *:last-child) {
--mb: 0;
@if $enable-theme-colors {
.pop-dark {
--pop-txt: #fff;
--pop-bg: var(--body-bg-dark);
--pop-bd-color: var(--surf-3-dark);
.pop-light {
--pop-txt: #000;
--pop-bg: var(--body-bg-light);
--pop-bd-color: var(--surf-2-light);
} // END [if/theme-colors]
@if $enable-primary-colors {
.pop-blue {
--pop-txt: #fff;
--pop-bg: var(--blue);
--pop-bd-color: var(--blue);
.pop-red {
--pop-txt: #fff;
--pop-bg: var(--red);
--pop-bd-color: var(--red);
.pop-green {
--pop-txt: #fff;
--pop-bg: var(--green);
--pop-bd-color: var(--green);
.pop-orange {
--pop-txt: #000;
--pop-bg: var(--orange);
--pop-bd-color: var(--orange);
.pop-cyan {
--pop-txt: #000;
--pop-bg: var(--cyan);
--pop-bd-color: var(--cyan);
} // END [if/primary-colors]
} // END [@if/popovers]