The icons include a small library of SVG icons provided as CSS variables and set of utility classes for icon display. All icons and utilities are disabled by default, enable each as described in the configuration information provided below.
SVG icons (anchor)
The SVGs are provided as CSS variables, the icons reference these variables using the class names demonstrated below.
- .house
- .plus
- .minus
- .caret-down
- .caret-up
- .caret-left
- .caret-right
- .close
- .ext-link
- .pg-link
- .pen-box
- .box
- .tick-box
- .close-box
- .close-box-fill
- .download
- .user
- .question
- .search
- .sun
- .moon
- .radio-off
- .radio-on
Icon utilities (anchor)
With $enable-icon-styles: true;
the utility class styles are included for displaying the icons. As demonstrated below when applied to the parent element as purely decorative CSS the icons don't interrupt content flow so don't require any accessibility attributes to describe or hide icons.
<h3 class="ico-b house">Heading</h3>
<button class="ico-b email">Email</button>
<button class="ico-a download">Download</button>
<button class="ico-btn bars"><span class="vis-hidden">Menu</span></button>
<a href="#" class="ico-b house">Home</a>
<a href="#" class="ico-a pg-link">About</a>
<h3 class="ico-block house txt-center block-inline">Block</h3>
Colors (anchor)
The --ico
variable can be used to customize the icon colors inline or via custom styles if required.
<span class="ico house" style="--ico:DeepPink;"></span>
<span class="ico house" style="--ico:LimeGreen;"></span>
<span class="ico house" style="--ico:Blue;"></span>
<span class="ico house" style="--ico:FireBrick;"></span>
<span class="ico house" style="--ico:Gold;"></span>
A color modifier class is also included with the icon styles (see below) using the theme brand colors defined with the color-scheme variables in the properties.scss
<h3 class="ico-b house ico-brand">Brand</h3>
Primary colors (anchor)
With $enable-primary-colors: true;
color utility modifiers are created using the primary color variables.
<span class="ico house ico-blue"></span>
<span class="ico house ico-red"></span>
<span class="ico house ico-green"></span>
<span class="ico house ico-orange"></span>
<span class="ico house ico-cyan"></span>
Configuration (anchor)
All icons can enabled individually in the _configuration.scss
document, the mixins and styles options work as follows:
$enable-icon-mixins: true;
- Enables using the icon's Sass
functions to create custom icon styles without the utility classes being enabled. $enable-icon-styles: true;
- Compiles the icon utility classes and enables using the icon's Sass
functions to create custom icon styles.
Icons configuration
// Icon utilities
$enable-icon-mixins: false;
$enable-icon-styles: false;
// Icons SVG
$enable-logo-svg: false;
$enable-house-svg: false;
$enable-email-svg: false;
$enable-plus-svg: false;
$enable-minus-svg: false;
$enable-bars-svg: false;
$enable-caret-down-svg: false;
$enable-caret-up-svg: false;
$enable-caret-right-svg: false;
$enable-caret-left-svg: false;
$enable-close-svg: false;
$enable-close-box-svg: false;
$enable-close-box-fill-svg: false;
$enable-box-svg: false;
$enable-pen-box-svg: false;
$enable-tick-box-svg: false;
$enable-ext-link-svg: false;
$enable-pg-link-svg: false;
$enable-search-svg: false;
$enable-download-svg: false;
$enable-user-svg: false;
$enable-question-svg: false;
$enable-sun-svg: false;
$enable-moon-svg: false;
$enable-radio-on-svg: false;
$enable-radio-off-svg: false;
When the mixins or styles are enabled the following CSS variables (included with _variables.scss
) are compiled:
:where(html) {
--ico: var(--color);
--ico-va: -.115em;
- The
--ico: var(--color)
attribute inherits the parent's text color via the color-schemes and typography variables and it's also added to other key styles with color properties (e.g. links/buttons). - The
--ico-va: -.115em;
is included at root level to enable customizing thevertical-align
of icons on the parent element using custom or inline styles if required.
Icon styles
See _icons.scss
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Icons
// ------------------------------------------------------------
@use "../../configuration" as *;
@use "../../properties" as *;
@mixin icon-mask {
display: inline-block;
content: "";
inline-size: var(--fs);
block-size: var(--fs);
vertical-align: var(--ico-va);
background-color: var(--ico);
mask-image: var(--svg);
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
-webkit-mask-image: var(--svg);
-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
%icon-mask {
@include icon-mask;
@if $enable-icon-styles {
.ico:before {
@extend %icon-mask;
.ico-a:after {
--ico-ml: calc(var(--fs) / 5);
@extend %icon-mask;
margin-inline-start: var(--ico-ml);
.ico-b:before {
--ico-mr: calc(var(--fs) / 3.75);
@extend %icon-mask;
margin-inline-end: var(--ico-mr);
.ico-block:before {
--ico-mb: .25rem;
--ico-va: initial;
@extend %icon-mask;
display: block;
margin-inline: auto;
margin-block-end: var(--ico-mb);
.ico-btn:before {
@extend %icon-mask;
.ico-btn {
--btn-px: .65rem;
.ico-brand {
--ico: var(--brand);
@if $enable-primary-colors {
.ico-blue {
--ico: var(--blue);
.ico-green {
--ico: var(--green);
.ico-red {
--ico: var(--red);
.ico-orange {
--ico: var(--orange);
.ico-cyan {
--ico: var(--cyan);
} // END [if/primary-colors]
} // END [if/icon-styles]
// Icon SVG variables
:where(html) {
@if $enable-logo-svg {
--logo: #{$logo};
@if $enable-house-svg {
--house: #{$house};
@if $enable-email-svg {
--email: #{$email};
@if $enable-plus-svg {
--plus: #{$plus};
@if $enable-minus-svg {
--minus: #{$minus};
@if $enable-bars-svg {
--bars: #{$bars};
@if $enable-caret-down-svg {
--caret-down: #{$caret-down};
@if $enable-caret-up-svg {
--caret-up: #{$caret-up};
@if $enable-caret-left-svg {
--caret-left: #{$caret-left};
@if $enable-caret-right-svg {
--caret-right: #{$caret-right};
@if $enable-close-svg {
--close: #{$close};
@if $enable-ext-link-svg {
--ext-link: #{$ext-link};
@if $enable-pg-link-svg {
--pg-link: #{$pg-link};
@if $enable-search-svg {
--search: #{$search};
@if $enable-box-svg {
--box: #{$box};
@if $enable-pen-box-svg {
--pen-box: #{$pen-box};
@if $enable-tick-box-svg {
--tick-box: #{$tick-box};
@if $enable-close-box-svg {
--close-box: #{$close-box};
@if $enable-close-box-fill-svg {
--close-box-fill: #{$close-box-fill};
@if $enable-download-svg {
--download: #{$download};
@if $enable-user-svg {
--user: #{$user};
@if $enable-question-svg {
--question: #{$question};
@if $enable-sun-svg {
--sun: #{$sun};
@if $enable-moon-svg {
--moon: #{$moon};
@if $enable-radio-off-svg {
--radio-off: #{$radio-off};
@if $enable-radio-on-svg {
--radio-on: #{$radio-on};
// SVG utility classes
@if $enable-logo-svg {
.logo {
--svg: var(--logo);
@if $enable-house-svg {
.house {
--svg: var(--house);
@if $enable-email-svg {
.email {
--svg: var(--email);
@if $enable-plus-svg {
.plus {
--svg: var(--plus);
@if $enable-minus-svg {
.minus {
--svg: var(--minus);
@if $enable-ext-link-svg {
.ext-link {
--svg: var(--ext-link);
@if $enable-pg-link-svg {
.pg-link {
--svg: var(--pg-link);
@if $enable-bars-svg {
.bars {
--svg: var(--bars);
@if $enable-caret-down-svg {
.caret-down {
--svg: var(--caret-down);
@if $enable-caret-up-svg {
.caret-up {
--svg: var(--caret-up);
@if $enable-caret-left-svg {
.caret-left {
--svg: var(--caret-left);
@if $enable-caret-right-svg {
.caret-right {
--svg: var(--caret-right);
@if $enable-box-svg {
.box {
--svg: var(--box);
@if $enable-pen-box-svg {
.pen-box {
--svg: var(--pen-box);
@if $enable-close-svg {
.close {
--svg: var(--close);
@if $enable-close-box-svg {
.close-box {
--svg: var(--close-box);
@if $enable-close-box-fill-svg {
.close-box-fill {
--svg: var(--close-box-fill);
@if $enable-tick-box-svg {
.tick-box {
--svg: var(--tick-box);
@if $enable-search-svg {
.search {
--svg: var(--search);
@if $enable-download-svg {
.download {
--svg: var(--download);
@if $enable-user-svg {
.user {
--svg: var(--user);
@if $enable-question-svg {
.question {
--svg: var(--question);
@if $enable-sun-svg {
.sun {
--svg: var(--sun);
@if $enable-moon-svg {
.moon {
--svg: var(--moon);
@if $enable-radio-off-svg {
.radio-off {
--svg: var(--radio-off);
@if $enable-radio-on-svg {
.radio-on {
--svg: var(--radio-on);
- The
values included inherit the typography font size values to match the width and height of icons to the parent element. - The
variable values are provided by the SVG property values.
The icons SVG property values are included as Sass variables in the _properties.scss
document. Depending on what's enabled in the configuration.scss
the icons are compiled as CSS variables with corresponding utility classes for each icon.
SVG properties
$logo: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 192 192' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m36 0c-36 0-36 36-36 36v120c0 36 36 36 36 36h120c36 0 36-36 36-36v-120c0-36-36-36-36-36zm12 42h96v24h-36v84h-24v-84h-36z'/></svg>") !default;
// Theme switch button
$sun: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m7.47 0v2.26h1.15v-2.26zm-4.9 2.19-0.812 0.8 1.62 1.6 0.812-0.8zm10.8 0-1.62 1.6 0.812 0.8 1.62-1.6zm-5.29 1.25s-4.59 0-4.59 4.52c0 4.52 4.59 4.52 4.59 4.52s4.59 0 4.59-4.52c0-4.52-4.59-4.52-4.59-4.52zm5.67 3.92v1.13h2.3v-1.13zm-13.7 0.0243v1.13h2.3v-1.13zm3.01 4-1.62 1.6 0.812 0.8 1.62-1.6zm9.99 0-0.812 0.8 1.62 1.6 0.812-0.8zm-5.54 2.36v2.26h1.15v-2.26z'/></svg>") !default;
$moon: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m5.27 1c-0.533 0.0926-0.946 0.529-1.39 0.815-1.17 0.88-1.95 2.19-2.46 3.54-0.777 2.03-0.429 4.41 0.861 6.16 1.41 1.98 3.67 3.56 6.18 3.49 1.98-0.0388 3.86-0.991 5.28-2.33 0.48-0.565 0.971-1.16 1.27-1.84 0.089-0.435-0.481-0.742-0.809-0.456-1.61 0.937-3.67 1.22-5.37 0.365-1.52-0.764-2.79-2.04-3.55-3.55-0.871-1.73-0.56-3.83 0.411-5.45 0.187-0.304-0.0437-0.726-0.4-0.734z'/></svg>") !default;
$radio-off: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m13.5 8a5.5 5.5 0 0 1-5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 0 0 1-5.5-5.5 5.5 5.5 0 0 1 5.5-5.5 5.5 5.5 0 0 1 5.5 5.5z' fill='none' stroke='currentColor' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/></svg>") !default;
$radio-on: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m13.5 8a5.5 5.5 0 0 1-5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 0 0 1-5.5-5.5 5.5 5.5 0 0 1 5.5-5.5 5.5 5.5 0 0 1 5.5 5.5z' fill='none' stroke='currentColor' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/><path d='m4.5 8s0-3.5 3.5-3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 0 3.5-3.5 3.5-3.5-3.5-3.5-3.5z' fill='currentColor'/></svg>") !default;
// Generic
$house: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m1 15v-7l7-7 3 3v-2h2v4l2 2v7h-5v-5h-4v5z'/></svg>") !default;
$email: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m1 2 7 8 7-8h-14zm14 0.959-4.47 5.33 4.47 5.67v-11zm-14 0.041v11l4.47-5.67-4.47-5.33zm5 6-5 6h14l-5-6-2 2-2-2z'/></svg>") !default;
$plus: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m7 2v5h-5v2h5v5h2v-5h5v-2h-5v-5h-2z'/></svg>") !default;
$minus: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m2 9v-2h12v2z'/></svg>") !default;
$bars: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m2 2v2h12v-2h-12zm0 5v2h12v-2h-12zm0 5v2h12v-2h-12z'/></svg>") !default;
$caret-down: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m8 10-4-4h8z'/></svg>") !default;
$caret-up: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m8 6 4 4-8 7e-7z'/></svg>") !default;
$caret-left: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m6 8 4-4v8z'/></svg>") !default;
$caret-right: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m10 8-4 4-9e-7 -8z'/></svg>");
$ext-link: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m10 0.5a0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0 1h3.79l-8.15 8.15a0.501 0.501 0 1 0 0.709 0.707l8.14-8.15v3.79a0.5 0.5 0 0 0 1 0v-5a0.5 0.5 0 0 0-0.5-0.5zm-7.5 1.5a1.5 1.5 0 0 0-1.5 1.5v10a1.5 1.5 0 0 0 1.5 1.5h10a1.5 1.5 0 0 0 1.5-1.5v-6.64a0.5 0.5 0 0 0-1 0v6.64a0.5 0.5 0 0 1-0.5 0.5h-10a0.5 0.5 0 0 1-0.5-0.5v-10a0.5 0.5 0 0 1 0.5-0.5h6.64a0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0.5-0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0-0.5-0.5z'/></svg>") !default;
$pg-link: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m2.5 2c-1.5 0-1.5 1.5-1.5 1.5v9c0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5h7.25c1.5 0 1.5-1.5 1.5-1.5v-1.99s0-0.5-0.5-0.5-0.5 0.5-0.5 0.5v1.99c0 0.5-0.5 0.5-0.5 0.5h-7.25c-0.5 0-0.5-0.5-0.5-0.5v-9c0-0.5 0.5-0.5 0.5-0.5h7.25c0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5v2.03s0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5-0.5 0.5-0.5v-2.03c0-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5zm10 2.69c-0.384 0.0235-0.699 0.509-0.336 0.859l2.04 1.96h-10c-0.681-1.89e-4 -0.681 1 0 1l10-0.00195-2.01 2c-0.48 0.471 0.241 1.18 0.721 0.707l2.88-2.85c0.198-0.196 0.2-0.513 0-0.707l-2.91-2.82c-0.121-0.117-0.257-0.16-0.385-0.152z'/></svg>") !default;
$pen-box: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m13.9 0.5c-0.128 0-0.256 0.0489-0.354 0.146-2.85 2.85-5.71 5.71-8.56 8.56-0.055 0.055-0.0966 0.121-0.121 0.195l-0.805 2.41c-0.0648 0.195 0.119 0.381 0.314 0.316l2.41-0.805c0.0738-0.0242 0.142-0.0664 0.197-0.121 2.85-2.85 5.71-5.71 8.56-8.56 0.195-0.195 0.195-0.512 0-0.707l-1.29-1.29c-0.0976-0.0976-0.226-0.146-0.354-0.146zm-11.4 0.5a1.5 1.5 0 0 0-1.5 1.5v11a1.5 1.5 0 0 0 1.5 1.5h11a1.5 1.5 0 0 0 1.5-1.5v-6a0.5 0.5 0 0 0-1 0v6a0.5 0.5 0 0 1-0.5 0.5h-11a0.5 0.5 0 0 1-0.5-0.5v-11a0.5 0.5 0 0 1 0.5-0.5h6.5a0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0-1z'/></svg>") !default;
$close: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m13 3-10 10zm-10 0 10 10z' fill='none' stroke='currentColor' stroke-width='1.5'/></svg>") !default;
$box: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m1.51 0.0131c-0.911-0.0389-1.61 0.85-1.5 1.73 0.0031 4.3-0.0062 8.6 0.0047 12.9 0.0329 0.888 0.925 1.49 1.77 1.38 4.28-0.0031 8.57 0.0062 12.9-0.0047 0.888-0.0329 1.49-0.925 1.38-1.77-0.0031-4.28 0.0062-8.57-0.0047-12.9-0.0329-0.888-0.925-1.49-1.77-1.38h-12.7zm0 1h13c0.583-0.0209 0.508 0.598 0.5 0.998v12.5c0.0209 0.583-0.598 0.508-0.998 0.5h-12.5c-0.583 0.0209-0.508-0.598-0.5-0.998v-12.5c0.0112-0.281 0.181-0.553 0.5-0.5z'/></svg>") !default;
$close-box: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m4.82 5.53s-0.354-0.354 0-0.707 0.707 0 0.707 0l2.47 2.47 2.47-2.47s0.354-0.354 0.707 0c0.354 0.354 0 0.707 0 0.707l-2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47s0.354 0.354 0 0.707c-0.354 0.354-0.707 0-0.707 0l-2.47-2.47-2.47 2.47s-0.354 0.354-0.707 0c-0.354-0.354 0-0.707 0-0.707l2.47-2.47zm-3.31-5.51c-0.911-0.0389-1.61 0.85-1.5 1.73 0.00311 4.3-0.00623 8.6 0.00467 12.9 0.0329 0.888 0.925 1.49 1.77 1.38 4.28-0.0031 8.57 0.0062 12.9-0.0047 0.888-0.0329 1.49-0.925 1.38-1.77-0.0031-4.28 0.0062-8.57-0.0047-12.9-0.0329-0.888-0.925-1.49-1.77-1.38h-12.7zm0 1h13c0.583-0.0209 0.508 0.598 0.5 0.998v12.5c0.0209 0.583-0.598 0.508-0.998 0.5h-12.5c-0.583 0.0209-0.508-0.598-0.5-0.998v-12.5c0.0112-0.281 0.181-0.553 0.5-0.5z'/></svg>") !default;
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--user: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m7.99 3s3 0 3 3-3 3-3 3-3 0-3-3 3-3 3-3zm0.0126-3c-2.4-0.0524-4.91 0.92-6.34 2.91-1.12 1.56-1.7 3.51-1.66 5.42 0.179 2.59 1.39 5.27 3.72 6.6 2.15 1.23 4.83 1.34 7.17 0.623 2.26-0.699 3.99-2.64 4.65-4.87 0.477-1.45 0.625-3.03 0.23-4.52-0.478-2.28-1.91-4.44-4.09-5.41-1.15-0.534-2.42-0.749-3.68-0.748zm0 1c2.02-0.0441 4.19 0.661 5.42 2.34 1.05 1.41 1.61 3.2 1.57 4.96-0.0993 1.29-0.491 2.62-1.18 3.75-0.425-0.879-1.75-2.05-5.82-2.05-4.1 0-5.41 1.19-5.82 2.07-0.268-0.43-0.491-0.887-0.654-1.36-0.506-1.38-0.706-2.91-0.314-4.35 0.443-2.08 1.77-4.11 3.84-4.86 0.937-0.362 1.95-0.494 2.95-0.494z'/></svg>");
--question: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m8 0.00201c-2.64-0.0763-5.41 1.16-6.73 3.52-1.29 2.15-1.64 4.86-0.791 7.23 0.67 2.12 2.26 4 4.4 4.72 2.23 0.8 4.78 0.696 6.94-0.278 2.18-1.05 3.6-3.28 4.02-5.62 0.483-2.35-0.164-4.88-1.6-6.79-1.44-1.94-3.88-2.82-6.23-2.78zm0 0.999c2.18-0.065 4.54 0.811 5.71 2.75 1.24 1.91 1.65 4.37 0.912 6.54-0.57 1.95-2 3.75-4.01 4.32-1.9 0.596-4.02 0.51-5.86-0.229-1.99-0.887-3.22-2.93-3.6-5.01-0.424-2.05 0.15-4.26 1.37-5.95 1.02-1.44 2.73-2.23 4.45-2.38 0.343-0.0353 0.688-0.051 1.03-0.0511zm-2.69 5.18c0.053-1.45 1.6-2.37 2.94-2.24 1.22-0.0093 2.53 0.941 2.43 2.25-0.0616 1.18-1.28 1.71-1.93 2.54-0.113 0.679-0.679 1.79-1.43 0.96-0.346-0.832 0.191-1.72 0.842-2.23 0.469-0.438 1.24-0.918 1-1.67-0.311-0.943-1.86-0.97-2.23-0.0498-0.0253 0.867-1.22 1.66-1.61 0.566zm2.62 5.89c-1.4 0.0355-0.715-2.25 0.447-1.48 0.652 0.405 0.34 1.52-0.447 1.48z'/></svg>");
--sun: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m7.47 0v2.26h1.15v-2.26zm-4.9 2.19-0.812 0.8 1.62 1.6 0.812-0.8zm10.8 0-1.62 1.6 0.812 0.8 1.62-1.6zm-5.29 1.25s-4.59 0-4.59 4.52c0 4.52 4.59 4.52 4.59 4.52s4.59 0 4.59-4.52c0-4.52-4.59-4.52-4.59-4.52zm5.67 3.92v1.13h2.3v-1.13zm-13.7 0.0243v1.13h2.3v-1.13zm3.01 4-1.62 1.6 0.812 0.8 1.62-1.6zm9.99 0-0.812 0.8 1.62 1.6 0.812-0.8zm-5.54 2.36v2.26h1.15v-2.26z'/></svg>");
--moon: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m5.27 1c-0.533 0.0926-0.946 0.529-1.39 0.815-1.17 0.88-1.95 2.19-2.46 3.54-0.777 2.03-0.429 4.41 0.861 6.16 1.41 1.98 3.67 3.56 6.18 3.49 1.98-0.0388 3.86-0.991 5.28-2.33 0.48-0.565 0.971-1.16 1.27-1.84 0.089-0.435-0.481-0.742-0.809-0.456-1.61 0.937-3.67 1.22-5.37 0.365-1.52-0.764-2.79-2.04-3.55-3.55-0.871-1.73-0.56-3.83 0.411-5.45 0.187-0.304-0.0437-0.726-0.4-0.734z'/></svg>");
--radio-off: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m13.5 8a5.5 5.5 0 0 1-5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 0 0 1-5.5-5.5 5.5 5.5 0 0 1 5.5-5.5 5.5 5.5 0 0 1 5.5 5.5z' fill='none' stroke='currentColor' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/></svg>");
--radio-on: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='m13.5 8a5.5 5.5 0 0 1-5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 0 0 1-5.5-5.5 5.5 5.5 0 0 1 5.5-5.5 5.5 5.5 0 0 1 5.5 5.5z' fill='none' stroke='currentColor' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/><path d='m4.5 8s0-3.5 3.5-3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 0 3.5-3.5 3.5-3.5-3.5-3.5-3.5z' fill='currentColor'/></svg>");
.logo {
--svg: var(--logo);
.house {
--svg: var(--house);
.email {
--svg: var(--email);
.plus {
--svg: var(--plus);
.minus {
--svg: var(--minus);
.ext-link {
--svg: var(--ext-link);
.pg-link {
--svg: var(--pg-link);
.bars {
--svg: var(--bars);
.caret-down {
--svg: var(--caret-down);
.caret-up {
--svg: var(--caret-up);
.caret-left {
--svg: var(--caret-left);
.caret-right {
--svg: var(--caret-right);
.box {
--svg: var(--box);
.pen-box {
--svg: var(--pen-box);
.close {
--svg: var(--close);
.close-box {
--svg: var(--close-box);
.close-box-fill {
--svg: var(--close-box-fill);
.tick-box {
--svg: var(--tick-box);
.search {
--svg: var(--search);
.download {
--svg: var(--download);
.user {
--svg: var(--user);
.question {
--svg: var(--question);
.sun {
--svg: var(--sun);
.moon {
--svg: var(--moon);
.radio-off {
--svg: var(--radio-off);
.radio-on {
--svg: var(--radio-on);
Adding new icons (anchor)
To add new icons and maintain the individual control provided in the _configuration.scss
- Add the new icon properties as Sass variables to the
document usingurl()
values as demonstrated above. - Add a new Sass
rule for the icon to the_configuration.scss
document following the method used for other icons. - Following the method used in
add the new icon variable and class utility to the document using the new Sass@if
rule and Sass variable created in step 1 and 2.
Alternatively if output control isn't a priority create new icons replicating the CSS variables and utility classes structure above and include them with custom styles as required.
Sass mixin and extend (anchor)
Some basic examples of using the Sass @mixin
and @extend
to create custom icon styles. For more information on how these work see the mixins and extends documentation pages on the Sass website.
// Sass mixin
.homepage:before {
--svg: var(--house);
@include icon-mask;
// Sass extend
.homepage:before {
--svg: var(--house);
@extend %icon-mask;
// With Sass variable icon
.homepage:before {
--svg: #{$house};
@extend %icon-mask;
// With parent
.homepage {
--svg: var(--house);
--ico: blue;
.homepage:before {
@extend %icon-mask;